Vacuum creating systems

1) based on vacuum hydrocirculating units

2) based on steam ejectors

Jet compression units
for flare and low-pressure gases recovery

1) based on two-phase jet devices

2) based on steam ejectors

Jet absorption gas cleaning units
for hydrocarbons removal from breathing gases and oil and petroleum products gases recovery

Jet devices
ejectors and injectors for various purposes

Technovacuum Ltd.
+7 (495) 956-76-21
+7 (499) 261-99-98
+7 (499) 267-82-03
Russia, 105082, Moscow
B.Pochtovaya str., 26 "B", build.2, 5-th floor, office 1, room 11A

Application of new vacuum creation technology at AVT-3,5 installation of S.C.Petrotel - Lukoil S.A., Romania

Nurmuhametov G.Z., Koman G., Reutov A.N., Valea G. Application of new vacuum creation technology at AVT-3,5 installation of S.C.Petrotel - Lukoil S.A., Romania. Oil processing & oil chemistry. - 2002. No.2. - pp. 14-16.
Нурмухаметов Г.З., Коман Г., Реутов А.Н., Валеа Г. Опыт применения новой технологии создания вакуума на установке АВТ-3,5 предприятия S.C. Petrotel - Lukoil S.A., Румыния // Нефтепереработка и нефтехимия. - 2002. - № 2. - С. 14 - 16.

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